Community Service Program Transforms Traffic Offenders

In León, over 1,500 citizens have chosen to pay traffic fines through community service. This initiative promotes road safety and civic responsibility, allowing offenders to become agents of positive change while contributing to their community.

Community Service Program Transforms Traffic Offenders

In León, more than fifteen hundred citizens have chosen to pay their traffic fines through community service, promoting road safety and respect for mobility regulations. The General Directorate of Mobility has implemented a scheme that allows minor offenders to perform community work instead of paying a cash fine, turning them into agents of change and promoters of good road practices.

According to the initiative, those who commit minor infractions have the option of performing community service instead of paying the corresponding fine in full. Even in cases of more substantial fines, it is possible to cover part of the amount with community work and the rest with an economic payment. This strategy aims not only to impose sanctions but also to foster a more responsible civic awareness on the streets, promoting safe mobility and road respect.

During 2024, more than 1,500 people participated in this alternative, spreading the "User's Decalogue" in different strategic points of the city. So far in 2025, more than a hundred people have already performed community service in places such as transport terminals, the recreational route of Ruta León, the city center, and the entrance to the León Fair, contributing to raising road awareness in key spaces.

The program offered by the Secretariat of Security, Prevention and Citizen Protection of León is aimed at those receiving fines under 1,521 pesos, providing them the opportunity to substitute payment for activities benefiting the community. It is an innovative model that transforms road culture, turning traffic infractions into opportunities for learning and contributing to the city.