Fraud Case Involving Fake Psychiatrist in Puebla

Puebla's government addresses the fraudulent case of an attorney posing as a psychiatrist. The state health secretary, Araceli Córdoba, demanded verification of credentials by this week's deadline, warning of potential penalties.

Fraud Case Involving Fake Psychiatrist in Puebla

President Sheinbaum commented on the case on November 14, stating that besides being an administrative issue, it is a criminal matter. She was asked if the Government would modify so that it is not only the Ministry of Public Education responsible for the National Register of Professionals, where the true degrees of Marilyn Cote are located.

"We can work with the Ministry of Health to let people know if these individuals actually have a professional license. A person cannot offer health services, which is a delicate matter, when they do not have the professional license for it. In this case, it was controlled medications, imagine!", commented the official.

The Secretary of Health of Puebla, Araceli Córdoba Soria, reported that Marilyn Cote has until this week to present her alleged degrees as a psychiatrist to the authorities.

"If by Thursday she does not prove to be a doctor, nor meets all the requirements for the functioning of the office, administrative sanctions will be imposed, a fine or even up to 36 hours of arrest," the official said at a conference.

Additionally, the Neuropsychology Clinic: Marilyn Cote was closed in the Angelópolis Medical Towers, according to the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris).

Cofepris suspended the advertising of the clinical office for violating articles 300 and 3001 Bis of the General Health Law, and articles 79 section I, 80, and 86 section I of the Regulations of the General Health Law in Advertising Matters.

The case of Marilyn Cote, who posed as a psychiatrist in Puebla, reached the morning conference of President Claudia Sheinbaum. The official mentioned that this is a fraud case linked to health issues, which adds seriousness to the situation.