The president of the local Congress, Laura Artemisa García Chávez, announced that this Thursday the initiative for the creation of the Migrant Deputy figure will be presented before the Plenary of the LXII Legislature of the state of Puebla. The legislator Pavel Gaspar Ramírez from Morena will formally present the proposal after it has been reviewed in the Legal Area of the Chamber.
In conversation, García Chávez mentioned that the initiative has been modified by other deputies and will be initially presented to the Board of Government this Wednesday. The aim is for it to be listed and discussed in the session on Thursday, February 6. The president of the Congress declared: "We hope that this Wednesday the proposal will be listed in the Board of Government and Political Coordination for its final analysis, so that, if approved, it can be brought to the Plenary on Thursday."
García Chávez also recalled that at the beginning of the LXII Legislature, deputy Delfina Pozos Vergara presented a point of agreement to establish the double figure of "councilor and migrant deputy," although this has not progressed. According to the initiative promoted by the government of Alejandro Armenta Mier, the objective is to establish the figure of the Migrant Deputy in the state of Puebla, a representation that already exists in other entities such as Mexico City, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Zacatecas, and Chiapas, where migrants have direct representation.
In previous elections, several of these states elected their migrant deputies. Although similar reforms have been attempted in previous legislatures, such as the proposals presented in 2021 and 2022 by deputies María Isabel Merlo Talavera and Laura Ivonne Zapata Martínez, respectively, as well as by the former president of the Board of Government and Political Coordination, Edgar Garmendia de los Santos, none of these initiatives were approved. The new proposal seeks to give official voice to Puebla migrants, who, despite their significant contribution to the state, do not have direct representation in the local Congress.