The municipal president of Puebla, José Chedraui Budib, has confirmed that the parking meter program is in a phase of socialization with the citizens. So far, no fines will be applied to those who park in the city center. Chedraui Budib detailed that in March and April, there will be dissemination of the use of parking meters so that citizens understand how they work.
"Right now they are not operating. Most of us want Puebla to do well and for tourists to find a place to park," assured the mayor. "This month we will be in the socialization stage of the program," he explained.
So far, three thousand 500 users of the system have registered, and work is underway to install the appropriate signage to indicate registration points. Chedraui Budib also confirmed that the company Cargo Móvil SAPI S.A. de C.V., commercially known as Parkimovil, will be responsible for operating the rotational parking system. This is the second time the firm has obtained the concession, as it also managed the program during the administration of the PAN member Eduardo Rivera Pérez.
Regarding the discontent of some neighbors, the mayor announced that he will meet with representatives from more than 60 neighborhoods to address their concerns after they protested against it. "We will work hand in hand with the citizens. First, we need to place the appropriate signage; if there isn’t any, we cannot issue fines to anyone at all."