Veterinarians March for Justice in Puebla

Approximately 100 veterinary doctors protested in Puebla for justice for slain colleague Héctor Hernández and demanded an end to violence and harassment in their profession.

Veterinarians March for Justice in Puebla

A group of approximately 100 veterinary doctors joined the National March for Veterinary Doctors in the Puebla capital. Their protest aimed to demand justice for their colleague Héctor Hernández, who was murdered after failing to save an eight-year-old dog during a surgery.

The demonstration in Puebla began at the Gallito of Paseo Bravo and ended at the Zócalo of the city, with a funeral cart representing the deceased veterinarian who passed away on February 11 in Tultepec, State of Mexico. Participants demanded an end to the violence and harassment they face in practicing their profession.

During the march, veterinarians shouted slogans such as "We want protected veterinarians," "If you touch one, you touch us all," "I’m a veterinarian, I don’t kill or mistreat," and "We want dignified treatment of equality," while holding signs with messages like "Enough of mistreatment!" to highlight the need for greater security and respect for their work.

The mobilization in Puebla joins protests held in other cities in Mexico, where veterinary doctors expressed their outrage and concern over the aggressions they face in practicing their profession. Through these actions, they seek to raise awareness in society and demand from authorities guarantees that allow them to carry out their work without fear of reprisals or acts of violence.