Politics Local February 21, 2025

Arely Reyes Aspires for Supreme Court Position in 2025 Elections

On June 1, 2025, Arely Reyes will compete for a Supreme Court seat during Mexico's extraordinary electoral process, alongside 134 candidates for judges in Puebla.

Arely Reyes Aspires for Supreme Court Position in 2025 Elections

On June 1, 2025, during the extraordinary electoral process of the PJF 2024-2025, it will be decided whether Arely Reyes will occupy one of the nine positions on the Supreme Court, which will be elected by popular vote. On the same electoral day, 134 candidates will appear on the ballots in Puebla to select the next judges of the Sixth Circuit.

Additionally, three women from Puebla are in the race for a position on the Regional Chamber of Mexico City of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF): Norma Angélica Sandoval, María Cecilia Guevara, and Irma Josefina Montiel. Among the prominent names on the list published by the INE are the current ministers of the SCJN Loretta Ortiz, Yasmín Esquivel, and Lenia Batres, who have direct access to the Court.

Also highlighted are Marisela Morales, former head of the PGR; Paula María García Villegas Sánchez Cordero, daughter of retired minister Olga Sánchez Cordero; and other figures such as Ana María Ibarra Olguín, Dora Alicia Martínez Valero, Jazmín Bonilla García, Lutgarda Madrigal Valdez, Magda Zulema Mosri Gutiérrez, Olivia Aguirre Bonilla, and Rosa Elena González Tirado, who also have direct access to compete for the ministerial positions.

This June 1, 2025, the first judicial election in the country will take place, thanks to the reform promoted by former president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Arely Reyes Terán is the only candidate from Puebla aspiring for a position on the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), according to the list published by the National Electoral Institute (INE).

On February 16, the electoral body announced the list sent by the Senate, which includes 106 candidacies for ministers of the SCJN, the highest instance of the Judicial Power of the Federation (PJF). Although more individuals from Puebla registered for the race, only Reyes Terán, the current magistrate of the Administrative Justice Tribunal (TJA) of the state, made it to this stage.

Among the other aspiring candidates from Puebla, such as the former prosecutor of Puebla, Gilberto Higuera Bernal, none advanced to the next selection phase. On November 23, 2022, the local Congress appointed Arely Reyes as a magistrate of the TJA, a position she holds to this date. Reyes Terán is a lawyer from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí and holds a master's degree in law from BUAP.