Introduction of Solar Panels in Universities of Querétaro

The government of Querétaro plans to install solar panels in state universities, projecting an 80% savings on electricity. Private investment and technical studies are underway to carry out the project.

Introduction of Solar Panels in Universities of Querétaro

The director of the State Energy Agency, Mauricio Reyes Caracheo, announced that a program is being carried out for the installation of solar panels in state buildings in the state of Querétaro. This project is aimed at government universities, particularly technological universities.

Reyes Caracheo explained that the installation of the solar panels would be the responsibility of private companies and that it is expected to represent savings of up to 80% on electric energy for the universities. Although he did not want to share more details until the studies are complete, he assured that this initiative would be a great opportunity to implement an effective energy savings plan.

In addition, the director mentioned that the State Energy Agency has another project underway to install solar panels in communities of the Sierra Gorda, in line with the plans of the Federal Electricity Commission for the same area.

The program for installing solar panels in state buildings will begin at the universities run by the government of Querétaro. Technical studies are in process in various properties, and it is estimated that the installation could start by mid-year. Initially, the program will focus on the technological institutions of the state, which include the Technological University of San Juan del Río, the Technological Institute of Querétaro, the Technological University of Querétaro, the Polytechnic University of Querétaro, and the Aeronautical University of Querétaro.

Although the project is awaiting the definition of certain requirements, Reyes Caracheo stated that they are making progress in the necessary processes to make it a reality. The implementation of solar panels in state buildings represents a great opportunity to promote the use of renewable energy and to achieve significant savings in the generation of electric energy in the state of Querétaro.