Events Sport Local November 14, 2024

Gallos Smiling: An Inclusion Tournament in Querétaro

This weekend, Gallos Smiling celebrates its fourth national tournament at La Corregidora. Composed of children with disabilities, it seeks inclusion in football.

Gallos Smiling: An Inclusion Tournament in Querétaro

Since its inception, I have followed the Gallos Smiling project with interest. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Alejandro Esponda, Mariano Lopez, and Samuel Mejía embarked on this exciting adventure of inclusive football with Club Querétaro, under the direction of Gabriel Solares and Manuel Velarde. They gathered a group of enthusiastic players and parents who trained on weekends.

Over time, news about the team began to spread. Tournaments, the joy, and the team's success encouraged children from other regions to join the Gallos Smiling. A family full of stories of overcoming and achievements has been formed. They have refined their technique and are respected everywhere they go, competing for top spots as pioneers of inclusive football in Mexico.

The Gallos Smiling are divided into two categories: intellectual disability and Down syndrome. This weekend, the fourth national tournament will be held at La Corregidora. It is a reason for joy for everyone involved in Gallos Smiling, and they invite others to get close to the project and provide support.