Prohibition of Narcocorridos at the Querétaro Fair

The government of Querétaro will prohibit narcocorridos during the Feria Internacional Ganadera following recent violence. Increased security measures are being implemented.

Prohibition of Narcocorridos at the Querétaro Fair

In relation to security at the fair, the Regional Livestock Union of Querétaro (UGRQ) plans to propose to the business owners involved in the International Livestock Fair to prohibit contracted artists from singing narcocorridos in the Teatro del Pueblo and the Palenque. Following recent violent acts in the region, the president of the Union, Romualdo Moreno, indicated that he will request the company RP García, responsible for the shows at the fair, to oversee the absence of narcocorridos in musical performances. Otherwise, the artist will be removed from the lineup.

"If their music is based on that, they shouldn’t sing it, and maybe remove it. I think it should be mandatory; I believe they should have some songs that do not include narcocorridos," Moreno commented regarding this preventive measure. Additionally, he emphasized that the hiring of private security personnel will be increased to reinforce security both outside and inside the fairgrounds. Coordination with the National Guard and the State Police will be essential to ensure a safe environment during the two weeks of celebrations.

In this context, the participation of artists such as Junior H and Alfredo Olivas is planned for this year's fair. Both performers have songs in their repertoires that glorify the culture of drug trafficking. In light of this situation, the Regional Livestock Union of Querétaro will seek to implement measures to prevent the dissemination of this type of content at an event of great importance to the region.