Mental health specialists in Querétaro have praised the recent restrictions on the use of cell phones and social media as a positive and prudent measure. Juan Carlos García Ramos, clinical psychologist and coordinator of the thematic group specialized in psychotherapy at the State College of Psychologists, pointed out that while technology can be beneficial for child development, its improper use can lead to various problems.
García Ramos explained that this measure to limit the use of cell phones in educational institutions has already been implemented in Europe and California, with the aim of preventing inappropriate behaviors arising from excessive socialization with electronic devices. The psychologist emphasized the importance of raising parents' awareness about the relevance of setting limits on the use of technology at home to avoid potential complications.
In a particular case involving minors, an episode of aggression from a young person towards his mother was identified after his cell phone was taken away. García Ramos warned about the need to address these cases of irritability and inadequate emotional responses, suggesting a gradual withdrawal of electronic devices and encouraging gratifying alternative activities for children.
The specialist emphasized the importance of focusing cell phone use at home on educational activities, acknowledging that not all children will develop superior skills in managing technology. He highlighted the need to diversify activities to foster the development of other skills in minors.
Despite the initiative to reform the Penal Code and the Law of the Rights of Girls, Boys, and Adolescents of Querétaro presented on February 20, the legislation is awaiting review and voting, as it is currently in the parliamentary evaluation process. The goal is to address the increase in cases of cyberbullying in the state, which placed it in 19th place in 2023.