The municipal president of Querétaro, Felifer Macías, announced a reinforcement of security measures in the city with the aim of ensuring the tranquility of Querétaro families and visitors. These checkpoints have strengthened response strategies to incidents and have contributed to the early detection of potentially dangerous situations.
In a press conference, Macías emphasized the importance of collaboration with civil society and sectors such as CANACO, CANIRAC, and hotel associations. He highlighted that joint work is fundamental to promoting a safe and peaceful environment in the city. This collaboration is part of an effort to consolidate a security network that includes all three levels of government for the benefit of the entire community.
Macías called on citizens to actively participate in building a safe environment, emphasizing the importance of reporting any suspicious behavior through the number 089, available 24/7. As part of these actions, permanent inspections have been implemented in bars and entertainment centers, resulting in the closure of several establishments that violate regulations and endanger the safety of their visitors.
The municipal president highlighted the implementation of vehicle checkpoints in various areas of the city, which have been effective in identifying vehicles with theft reports, out-of-state plates, and other irregularities that may pose a risk to public safety. He explained that these anonymous reports allow authorities to respond promptly, strengthening prevention and immediate reaction strategies to risk situations.
In his words, Macías stressed the importance of collaboration between authorities and society in general to maintain a safe environment in Querétaro. "The responsibility for safety is everyone's, all of us. We are in constant communication and coordination with the Governor of the State, Mauricio Kuri, with our fellow municipal presidents in the metropolitan area and their police departments, with the Secretariat of National Defense, with the National Guard, and with the State Attorney's Office, all coordinated and informing each other permanently so that we continue to have a safe Querétaro where families can live in peace," he assured.