Deputy Ulises Gómez de la Rosa announced at a press conference a historic resolution in favor of the community of La Palma in Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Querétaro. This measure guarantees access to drinking water for the inhabitants of the area and is the result of indirect amparo trial 117/2025.
The legal initiative was directed against the Governor of the State, the State Commission of Waters (CEA), several public officials, and the LXI Legislature of the State. Gómez de la Rosa explained that the trial was filed due to the lack of resource allocation for constructing a water network and water intake, the omission of including these resources in the 2025 state budget, and the lack of strategic planning and implementation of water infrastructure projects.
He emphasized that authorities will be summoned to install water intakes at no cost to the inhabitants of La Palma, as costs range between 25,000 and 50,000 pesos. He warned that failure to meet these demands would be considered contempt. "The first message sent with this discussion is the end of that, because if there is a lack of hydraulic infrastructure, there is a lack of water, it does not reach 100% of the people in Querétaro and that opens a different path," expressed the Deputy.
Regarding the resolution, it is estimated that 3,500 inhabitants will benefit from the action. Additionally, it was mentioned that there are another 6 communities, including La Gotera, Palo Alto, and La Luz, that could request a similar process. Other localities and communities with water supply issues were invited to approach the Deputy's office to identify the legal route that compels authorities to guarantee this right.
On other matters, Gómez de la Rosa reported that a resource presented before the State Electoral Tribunal to define the coordination of independent deputies was dismissed, leading him to file a lawsuit for the Protection of Political-Electoral Rights of Citizens before the Regional Chamber of Toluca of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation.
The Deputy reiterated his determination to reach all necessary instances to set a precedent in this case, emphasizing that this dispute has limited his participation in the Political Coordination Board of the LXI local Legislature.