New Water Project in Querétaro

The governor of Querétaro, Mauricio Kuri, announced a new project to ensure the water supply in the state for the next 100 years, focusing on attracting investments.

New Water Project in Querétaro

Mauricio Kuri González, governor of the state of Querétaro, announced the upcoming presentation of a new project to the local legislature aimed at ensuring the water supply in the region for the next 100 years. During the inauguration of the State Board of Coparmex in Querétaro, Kuri emphasized the importance of addressing challenges related to water and energy to provide legal certainty to companies and encourage investment in the state.

Regarding this project, the executive member of the State Water Commission mentioned that a financing plan was being worked on for the Batán project, which would consider the possibility of a public-private partnership. This approach has been adopted since the availability of resources from the federal government for the development of this project has not been confirmed.

It is important to note that this scheme will need to be discussed in an extraordinary session of the State Water Commission board and, with the approval of the governor, will be sent to the local legislature for consideration and eventual approval.