The Federal Government has intervened in Nuevo León to address the pollution problem that local authorities have not effectively managed, according to statements from a local legislator. It is highlighted that the head of the Environment Secretariat, Alfonso Martínez, has lost confidence regarding this issue, which led the Federal Government to take action in order to restore order.
The governor of Nuevo León mentioned that, due to population growth, air quality is an area they will focus their efforts on extensively. The newly created Metropolitan Environmental Commission is expected to coordinate actions between different levels of government to generate scientific and technical evidence that supports decision-making in environmental matters.
In the proposal presented to the Environment Secretariat and the Semarnat delegation, six aspects to be addressed by the Commission are highlighted: clean air, monitoring of companies generating hazardous waste, alternatives for Pemex, supervision of Water and Drainage, ecological incentives for SMEs, and free vehicle checks.
The local deputy emphasized the importance of rapid actions to address pollution in the state and celebrated the support received from Semarnat to implement effective measures. It is expected that the newly formed Commission will help authorities gain a comprehensive overview of the environmental situation in the entity and make the necessary decisions in conjunction with the corresponding levels of government.