Chemical Castration Proposal in Puebla

The elected governor of Puebla, Alejandro Armenta, proposes chemical castration as a measure against sexual offenders. The initiative aims to reduce sexual impulses and respond to the demands for justice for victims, especially women and children.

Chemical Castration Proposal in Puebla

The elected governor of Puebla, Alejandro Armenta (Morena), has proposed implementing chemical castration as a measure against sexual offenders in the state. After taking office, Armenta stated that this measure aims to respond to the demands for justice from victims, particularly women and children.

Armenta clarified that chemical castration does not involve physical methods of castration, but rather a reduction of sexual impulses through chemical treatments. In a press conference where he presented the cabinet that will accompany him starting in January, he explained: 'It's not about using a machete, as some believe that castration means using a sickle... then, libido decreases and sexual stimulation decreases.'

The elected governor mentioned that this proposal arises in response to requests from groups of women and mothers of individuals harmed by sexual crimes. According to Armenta, the penalties that current legislation offers to offenders do not correspond to the severity of the crimes committed.

Although Armenta had already proposed this measure when he was a senator, it did not progress in the Senate due to criticism from human rights advocates. However, the elected governor defended chemical castration as an effective resource to reduce the risk of recidivism among sexual offenders.

Amid the controversy that this proposal could generate regarding the human rights of criminals, Armenta expressed his strong position in favor of chemical castration as a necessary measure to provide justice for victims and prevent new sexual crimes.