An oatmeal smoothie with apple and water is a healthy and refreshing option to include in your daily diet. To prepare it, you only need one cored apple, 1/4 cup of oatmeal, and a glass of water. Simply place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until the oatmeal is completely dissolved.
It is advisable to use water instead of whole milk when preparing recipes with oatmeal and apple. Although milk has benefits such as providing protein and calcium, it can also be high in calories and sugars. Therefore, opting for water can be a lighter and healthier alternative, helping to maintain good hydration levels and improving brain function and digestion.
Apples and oatmeal are ingredients that provide essential nutrients to the body. Apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants, while oatmeal is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Combining them in a smoothie can promote digestion and benefit heart health, thanks to their nutritional properties.
Although the idea of consuming oatmeal with apple and water on an empty stomach to enhance its benefits has become popular, there is no scientific evidence to support that it is more beneficial to do so at that time of the day. The important thing is to maintain a balanced diet and moderate the consumption of this beverage, as, despite being nutritious, it is also not advisable to exceed its intake.